For patients with concern about their risk of stroke

signs of stroke, mini stroke, heart stroke

About Strokes

A stroke — also known as a “brain attack” — is the leading cause of disability and the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. If you have been told that you are at risk of having a stroke, or if you are concerned that a loved might be at risk, the University of Cincinnati Gardner Neuroscience Institute can provide the answers you need. Although age is a risk factor for stroke, a significant number of strokes occur in people under the age of 65.

Strokes are either hemorrhagic or ischemic. A hemorrhagic stroke involves bleeding into the brain. An ischemic stroke occurs when a blood vessel becomes blocked, interrupting normal circulation and depriving the brain of oxygen-rich blood.

The UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute gives patients access to a highly skilled team of physicians from a variety of specialty areas who review cases and discuss the merits of various plans for stroke prevention and treatment.

In addition to being involved with stroke education and advanced stroke research, our internationally renowed team treats many complex cerebrovascular disorders. To learn more, please click on the following pages:

Ischemic Stroke »

Hemorrhagic Stroke »

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage »

Pediatric Stroke »

Learn more about steps to better brain health at the American Stroke Association website.

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