Oct. 7—Tri-State Aneurysm Support Group Meeting

10/07/2009 6:30 pm
10/07/2009 8:00 pm

Meetings are held from 6:30pm to 8:00pm and held in the University Hospital, 234 Goodman Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45269 Meeting rooms C & D off of the first floor cafeteria.

September 2- Proposed topic: Being the same but feeling different

October 7- Proposed topic: Speech Issues presented by Dr. Gloriajean Wallace

November 4- Topic: My Story presented by Kristen and Tom Gillum

December 2- Holiday Social

For more information, please contact us at:

(513) 475-8636


The Tri-State Aneurysm Support Group, Inc., is a non-profit organization. Donations may be sent to to:

Tri-State Brain Aneurysm Support Group

c/o The Mayfield Clinic

222 Piedmont Ave., Suite 3100

Cincinnati, OH 45219