Stroke Survivor & Caregiver Day, 10 a.m. May 14, 2011


When: 10 a.m. Saturday, May 14, 2011

What: A symposium for stroke survivors and caregivers at the Drake Center; includes box lunch

Speakers' Topics
  • Update on Early Stroke Treatment Research
  • When to Do Surgery for Stroke Patients
  • New Breakthroughs in Stroke Prevention
  • Advances in Stroke Recovery Research
Breakout sessions
  • For Caregivers: After Stroke, Caregiving Burden and Strategies for Coping
  • For patients: After Stroke, Getting Better and Staying Better

Keynote Address: "Re-entry Into Life," by Emerson Knowles, a caregiver whose spouse suffered a stroke

Who: Speakers include Joseph Broderick, MD, Kari Dunning, PhD , Dawn Kleindorfer, MD, Arthur Pancioli, MD, and Mario Zuccarello, MD.

RSVP or additional details: call (513) 558-6903 or visit

Postponed: Please note that the social event originally scheduled for the evening of May 14 at the CARE/Crawley Building on the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center campus will be postponed until a later date.